Snow Day Formula

Version 4.1 of our homemade Snowday Chance Formula.
Copyright 2011-2015 The Weather Centre / 2015 Updraft Helicity

How it Works: 
Each question has points- 1, 2, 3 or 4. The more points you have at the end indicates a higher likelihood of a snow day.

Question 1: When will it start snowing?
1. After 9:00 AM
2. After 3:00 PM
3. After 9:00 PM
4. After 3:00 AM

Question 2: How Windy will it be? 
1. Calm.
2. 1-5 MPH
3. 5-10 MPH
4. 10-15+ MPH

Question 3: How Much Snow will fall?
1. 1-3 inches
2. 3-6 inches
3. 6-12 inches
4. 12+ inches

Question 4: Will the snow be wet or heavy?
1. Unsure
2. Very Light, Powdery
3. Average
4. Very Heavy

Question 5: How fast will the snow be falling?
1. Very lightly.
2. Moderate; possibly 1 inch/hour.
3. Heavy; over 1 inch/hour at times.
4. Very heavily; extreme hourly snow rates consistently over 1"/hour.

Question 6: Are schools around you closing?
1. No
2. Yes, but not many.
3. Yes, many around the area are closed.
4. Yes, almost everyone is closed.

Question 7: How is the storm being hyped?
1. No one is talking about it.
2. Hearing talk among people.
3. News is talking about it.
4. Everyone is talking about it.

Question 8: How low will visibility be?
1. High, you can see miles away.
2. Fair, cannot see a great distance away.
3. Low, visibility under 3 miles.
4. Very low, under 1 mile at times.

Question 9: How will traffic be?
1. Good, little interruption.
2. Fair, some back-ups, nothing major.
3. Bad, traffic is sometimes bumper-to-bumper.
4. Horrible, no one is moving for over half an hour.


Will You Have a Snow Day?
33-36 points: Probably/Likely.
29-32 points: Good Chance.
21-28 points: Chance.
13-20 points: Not Likely.
0-12 points: Near zero chance.

• This is just a formula and is not meant to be 100% accurate. 
• Even if you have a high score, always do your homework the night before!
• Do not use if your area does not receive snow often (i.e. Southern US).

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